2009 so far

Where do I begin? This year started on a so-and-so note. Personal reasons mostly and unrelated to marriage (so you can stop worrying, Mom. lol), but I was both hopeful and yet down. However, several things have happened to turn that frown upside down. In not particular order, here’s what’s happened:

  1. The biggest change that happened this year was that Matt and I have become more spiritual. By no means am I a bible thumper nor can I recite bible verses longer than 2 lines, BUT I’ve found a church that appeals to my core and I can’t wait to become a full member of this church. I’m SO looking forward to nourishing my soul with the Word of the Lord tomorrow (God willing).
  2. nailI got an award at work for being so helpful during the use of the facilities at work by a government agency. Hopefully, little things like this will translate to a pay raise although this recession pretty much guarantees that I’ll be at my current pay grade for a year or two. It’s not too big of a deal, but it was nice to be recognized for my hard work.
  3. Sometime in June, I quit biting my nails. I backslid twice, but never back to ground zero (i.e. as bad as it used to be) so I was always able to bounce back and I recently posted pictures of my hard-fought battle on Facebook which is what you see in this post. That picture signifies the personal, figurative and literal growth that is my life. I wish you the same.
  4. Back in June, I submitted my application to the USCIS to remove restrictions placed on my permanent residency because Matt & I were married for less than two years. I can appreciate the reasons this limit was instituted, but for couples together for genuine reasons, it can be a nerve-wracking time. We filed the application without the aid of a lawyer because they charged over $1,000 for their use. In an amazing turn of events, our application got approved in less than 4 months and as I write, I am in possession of my 10-year permanent resident card, more commonly called the green card! This is awesome news and what this means for me in practical terms is that Matt & I will have the freedom to plot our travels. πŸ™‚ Continue reading 2009 so far


Wow, it’s been a long while. What has been going on? Well, a lot of work, for starters.

  1. I’m settling into my new job and celebrated my one month anniversary with a little drama that has since died down. πŸ™‚ I finally have dental insurance (and so does Matt!! lol) and we shall be planning a trip to the tooth doctor pretty soon.
  2. Did I say that I love WordPress 2.3 for the tagging functionality? I’d gotten pretty tired of waiting for the autometa plugin author to update because it was the only ‘tagging’ plugin that I trusted. Somehow, I get the feeling that after I bitched about how autometa 0.9 was mucked up, the author might have taken umbrage. I’m sure this is not the case, but just some paranoia on my part. Anyhow, I have no need for those kind of plugins anymore, thanks to WordPress!
  3. My RAZR took a nose dive into over 100 degree Celsius water and has gone kaput. I’ve had to bust out my old Nokia 6010 and that’s a big step down. All my contacts were on the phone (not the sim card) so they are all lost too. This majorly sucks except that thanks to Motorola’s software, I was able to back up my contacts. So, I shall be hunting through my computer files to find said contacts. Omg, I actually just remembered that I had indeed backed up my contacts. Awesome! For those who may be getting close to losing their phones, make sure you copy all your contacts to your SIM card (if it will take them all) and find out if your phone manufacturer has some sort of companion software (like Motorola Phone Tools). This software will serve you well i.e. you can download your pictures taken by your phone, copy/upload songs or ringtones/video/pictures, organize/download/backup your contacts/calendar/etc.
  4. I got a credit limit increase with one of my credit cards (For the record, I have just two), but it came too late. I’ve made up my mind to dump this certain credit card because they were rather slow in upping said credit limit. I believe I will be done with them by the year’s end. The other credit card is another story. I shall not be cancelling the other because this is America and without a credit card, you are useless.
  5. Matt and I have pretty diverse schedules so it makes for boring weekends for me (I’m off on the weekends while he’s not) and interesting weekdays for him (He’s off some days during the week during which he proceeds to do all sorts of fun stuff without his wife!! πŸ˜€ I should add that the wife is usually unwilling to leave the warmth of the bed and/or room and/or novel. Nevertheless, we managed to have a “date” yesterday with our place being the venue. He was sent to the store to buy stuff that we would munch on and rented a movie also. However, I fell asleep and Matt (bless his soul) didn’t perturb my deep slumber.
  6. And lastly, my sister is engaged!! Holy mackerel, she’s getting hitched!!! I was so excited when I heard the news. She and her future husband are both in the same line of work (accounting) and work for banks. They are both based in Nigeria and they officially made “introductions” this past Sunday. In Nigeria, the man’s side needs to pay a visit to his future in-laws and formally announce his intent. Here’s a pretty interesting article on the Igbo Traditional Marriage. This was what happened and according to my mom, several of my uncles/relatives/aunts were able to make it. Bennett and Donald were given the task of filming the ceremony although Dad thinks they did a worse job than he did filming. Can I hear someone scream “Ugbo!!!” to Ben and Donald? lol. They will get the joke and even Matt. I’ve been teaching him my mannerisms. I cannot wait to see the pictures because my sister was stunning as ever and always. Debo, I’ll be watching you. lol.

In other marriage news, my friend (AT) is getting married next year! She’s invited me to her celebrations and I hope to high heavens that I will be able to go! That’s about it for now. Have a good weekend, y’all and TGIF!!