2009 so far

Where do I begin? This year started on a so-and-so note. Personal reasons mostly and unrelated to marriage (so you can stop worrying, Mom. lol), but I was both hopeful and yet down. However, several things have happened to turn that frown upside down. In not particular order, here’s what’s happened:

  1. The biggest change that happened this year was that Matt and I have become more spiritual. By no means am I a bible thumper nor can I recite bible verses longer than 2 lines, BUT I’ve found a church that appeals to my core and I can’t wait to become a full member of this church. I’m SO looking forward to nourishing my soul with the Word of the Lord tomorrow (God willing).
  2. nailI got an award at work for being so helpful during the use of the facilities at work by a government agency. Hopefully, little things like this will translate to a pay raise although this recession pretty much guarantees that I’ll be at my current pay grade for a year or two. It’s not too big of a deal, but it was nice to be recognized for my hard work.
  3. Sometime in June, I quit biting my nails. I backslid twice, but never back to ground zero (i.e. as bad as it used to be) so I was always able to bounce back and I recently posted pictures of my hard-fought battle on Facebook which is what you see in this post. That picture signifies the personal, figurative and literal growth that is my life. I wish you the same.
  4. Back in June, I submitted my application to the USCIS to remove restrictions placed on my permanent residency because Matt & I were married for less than two years. I can appreciate the reasons this limit was instituted, but for couples together for genuine reasons, it can be a nerve-wracking time. We filed the application without the aid of a lawyer because they charged over $1,000 for their use. In an amazing turn of events, our application got approved in less than 4 months and as I write, I am in possession of my 10-year permanent resident card, more commonly called the green card! This is awesome news and what this means for me in practical terms is that Matt & I will have the freedom to plot our travels. 🙂
  5. I broke the 1 year curse. lol. Just kidding. My first real job after leaving grad. school for personal reasons was cut short due to funding issues after 9 months. I found another job in less than 2 weeks after that and it’s been over a year since I accepted the task of running a small laboratory. It’s been great and I discovered that I’m good after working with people and that managing *might* just be my thing! *Gasp*
  6. I kicked off Jane Talks Tech! which mixes technology tips/advice for the common man and it’s already seeing upwards of 100 visitors per day AND at a Google pagerank of 3! This has been thanks to my timely posts about my Nokia E71x phone, getting publicized on Twitter (by being recommended on Twitter for #FollowFriday by Scott Hanselman) and just me pushing out good posts that get indexed by search engines & found by people!

That’s all for now. Until next time, cheers!