In honor of a college town

Alright, I’ve bought into the football fever. I don’t have any tickets, but I do plan on wearing a certain color that honors the place. lol. I’ve got the awesomemest dress that totally brings a certain light to M’s eyes whenever I wear it so it’s definitely on my to-wear list. lol. TMI, but heck it’s my blog, no? M & I visited J & J a couple of days ago and she made a kick-ass Asian-inspired dish of rice and the vegetables that could be found at a Restaurant. I daresay hers was better although she didn’t quite beat Inoko Express yet. lol. M & J (her husband) got to working on their GIS stuff (I finally broke down after M’s harrassment and installed ArcGIS on my laptop). I’m only kidding about the harrassment part, but I did finally install ArcGIS on the laptop so that whenever we visited, they (J & M) could do school work while us ladies cooed over Benjy bear. ๐Ÿ˜€ He’s the sweetest kid and I just love taking care of him be it by just holding him while his mom does housework or whatever. I can’t wait to get more pictures of the little one.

I’ve got some footage of the school’s marching band that I’m going to upload on my Facebook page versus putting it on here because it’ll be a dead giveaway about my work place. lol. As if I don’t already talk about everything, but my social security number. Ah well. ๐Ÿ™‚ The students will begin their dissections today so I am looking forward to the formaldeyhyde goodness (NOT). That stuff burns the eyes so we got a Formaldehyde sniffer to ensure that we are not being exposed to more than recommended formaldehyde levels. I like my boss because she’s super aware and concerned about the safety of her workers and students. That’s all for now. Cheers!

Money and the DMV

Only in my household is it not strange to remember that my permit expires in about 24 hours and then, I make frantic calls to the husband and my employers to: take me to the State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and excused from work for about 1 hr. Thankfully, we managed to beat the hordes at the DMV and we got out of that place in less than 30 minutes. Score!! The sad part, however, is that I’ll have to rinse and repeat in less than a year all because USCIS has seen it fit to give me a “conditional” LPR status versus the old-days-of-yore 10-year limit on those green cards. I’m not too bothered by it though. Just the thought of needlessly spending $10 again to renew the card makes me a bit … itchy. Renewing my drivers’ permit is the least of my worries. Renewing my permanent resident card is the real hassle although I won’t have to worry about it until next year. Still, who would have thought 2008 is already half over? The USCIS filing fee already leaves a huge rock in my gut (~ $545), but I’ve already started saving towards it. Thank God for ING Direct‘s sub accounts! They actually make it easy for you to save! I have to restrain myself from pouring too much of my paycheck into my savings accounts ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m sure I won’t be over-saving (if that is possible) because I’ve committed to contributing $200 to my Roth IRA account. It should not put too much of a dent in my earnings because on my previous salary, I could, in theory, fit in my $200 IRA payment so now that I am earning a little bit more, I can definitely fit in the Roth IRA payments. Saving for retirement (or just for savings sake) is definitely a priority with me as my posts on finances will tell you. However, I recently got M & I signed up for something that’s really confidential. lol. I’m itching to tell you guys about it, butร‚ย  I promised I wouldn’t. No, it’s not something that’ll make me/us super-rich or bestow us with honorary degrees. It is something that I’ve been wanting to participate in (for a long while now) and I was getting to the point of thinking the organization was a total fraud. Well, I’m a believer and I’ll write more about this in a couple of years. lol.

In other news, classes for the students will begin in a little over 3 weeks. I spent the better part of yesterday with my boss whcanine scapulao showed me how to skin a dog’s forelimb. He is a veterinary toxicologist by training, but he clearly loves anatomy and he spent the rest of the time showing me the various muscles around the dog’s scapula and the canine equivalent of the human upper arm muscles.ร‚ย  I actually remember much of what was shown to me yesterday! I really find it interesting although time will tell if it’s just early employment jitters or the real thing. lol. I learned about the dog’s scapula last week i.e. the names of the parts (see on the left). I’m on the humerus now and hopefully, I’ll be done with that bone by this week or the middle of next week.

(Picture is from Guide to the Dissection of the Dog: 4th edition)

It’s definitely a little bit hard to remember all those names, but the good thing with nomenclature is that it tends to be logical and follow patterns whether it be directionality (dorsal vs. ventral) or positionally (above or below, supra or infra). I’ll let you know how that goes in a few weeks. In the meantime, I’ve got a bunch of embalmed dogs to count up. These dogs will serve as the veterinary students’ dissection dogs to work with during the semester. It will be my job to see that they preserve their animals well and try to keep the laboratory clean. I should be getting scrubs this week and also get some T- shirts so that I don’t totally ruin my entire wardrobe. I think it’s safe to say that my favorite pairs of jeans (blue and black) have been ruined. lol. Well, not so much ruined as “they are not for fancy wearing” anymore. ๐Ÿ™‚ They’ve got blood on them. Oops!