Comparison of WordPress and Drupal

I cannot say how good it feels to be back in “old” waters i.e. with WordPress. I dabbled in Drupal for awhile but I didn’t dare mess with the actual php files because it was a bit more than I could handle. Granted, I switched from WordPress for a reason, but right now, just being able to add more than 1 goddamned music or video file to one post is a blessing. I thank Heavens for the podpress plugin which made this possible. I think it’s a fact that WordPress has more plugins donated by the community than Drupal. I mean, Drupal has some neat plugins, but I was really disappointed that I had to have more than 1 plugin to essentially do something that should have been inbuilt into the system. I’m just glad that I didn’t have that many posts there because it would have been a major pain to try and figure out how to import my posts into WordPress. There is a great need for documentation when it comes to plugins. For instance, the first plugin I installed and activated was the WPG2 plugin. I mean, I have Gallery2 on a different subdomain and a different database. On the plugin page, it says this plugin has support for different databases. However, there’s no mention whatsoever of how to configure the darned plugin to realize that Gallery and WordPress aren’t sharing the same database. Short of altering the wp-gallery2.php file to read from a different wp-config.php file, I don’t know what to do.

Some videos are up!

Finally, my Gallery is accepting my video files! Head on over there and sign in to view the precious footage of my I caught Daddy in the act of corrupting his mind with American TV (Judge Judy et. al) . Well, wish me luck. Life’s been more or less the same with my husband and I. It feels slightly surreal to think I’m married now, but I know that I’ve got a good man who respects my wishes just as I respect his. I don’t have a clue what to do about my website and right now, you could say I’m burned out w.r.t. to website building, etc. I want something manageable like Drupal or WordPress as well as flexible. For now, I’ll tinker with Drupal and Gallery and try to make both of them play nice. 🙂

More site updates

Alrighty, my gallery is up and powered by the wonderful Gallery2. It’s different from Coppermine, but being updated frequently. Coppermine’s development seems to have stalled. In any case, I’m have a little bit of trouble customizing it, but I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it in no time. Meanwhile, I’ve got a fresh Drupal installation up and running. I can tell the differences right away between my current webhosts and my old & evil webhosts (Awardspace). Even though I’d paid nearly $60 as a paid user, I believe I have received substandard service. From my ftp failing on me to not having helpful technicians, I think I will be better off in the future. Here are some things I love about Jumpline already:

  1. I can make backups of my account. This is awesome and a biggie for me.
  2. It’s a virtual dedicated hosting service which means I am sort of running in a sandbox with ‘root’ privileges, but insulated from causing harm to other people’s services even though we’re all installed on the same box.
  3. Even though I have a small 2GB harddrive space, I find that doing memory intensive things on the server are a snap compared to the constant php memory being exhausted nearly all the time with Awardspace.

I could go on and on, but I’m only on the 4th day with Jumpline. That’s all for now and here’s wishing my parents a safe flight!!