Taking pictures and making images

This morning, I forced myself up at the ungodly hour of 7am to get ready for the UGA Trial Gardens Open House. The garden was in bloom and beautiful. It reminded me that even if I don’t get couples flocking to have their wedding photos taken, I’ll *always* be reminded that it was my love of taking photographs of nature that got me started and still keeps me going. πŸ™‚ I shot a wedding in June 2010 and the highlight album is here (Amy & Miles). It’s not my best work, but I’m always eager to keep growing and learning. I’m learning to experiment and especially with digital, I can see what works and what doesn’t work.

Here are some recent photos I’ve taken (best viewed in large as a slideshow):

  1. Flowers from my hubby πŸ˜›
  2. A Bird Family: A bird set up ‘shop’ right outside our apartment. I missed the opportunity to take photos of their lovely blue eggs, but the chicks are more fun anyway.
  3. UGA Trial Gardens Open House: This happened today and I’m much more comfortable photographing inanimate objects or unsuspecting citizens. πŸ™‚
  4. Summertime: Ongoing summer series.

Feel free to check out my Photo Blog (hosted on Tumblr) and don’t forget to become a fan of Jane Ullah Photography on Facebook!

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The end of May

Well, what’s this? Another blog post! πŸ˜› May was one of the worst months in terms of allergies for me. In fact, this year is the worst I’ve ever reacted to allergens. So far, we’re still unsure what is causing my reactions, but I haven’t let it get me too down. I’ve been taking more pictures and I’ll be the first to admit that I’m still not taking as many photos as I’d like, but I can see a noticeable improvement in the quality of my photographs. As so many people will tell you, getting better is really about taking lots of photos and experimenting & mentally filing away what works or not for you! My photography class is over, but I signed up for the next step towards the certificate which is learning about Photoshop. I’ve been pretty decent with my photo editing work in my biased opinion, but I know I have lot to learn. That said, here are some photos of my latest work.

This weekend, we went camping at Lake Russell Campground and as always, I had my camera, Sigma 10-20mm & Nikon 18-200mm with me. As always, you can check out my website, Jane Ullah Photography or visit my companion Tumblog for photos. Cheers!