Summer’s almost here! :)

I’m so stoked!! I have choices (!!!) for the summer. I have an invitation to hang with a friend in California and/or go on a roadtrip with Matt. We’ve talked several times about how much we would love to do something like that. Hopefully, this summer, I can make both happen. πŸ™‚ Stay tuned! I’m starting another fund (titled “mini vacation” in ING Direct) today! I love saving for stuff. lol.

John Grisham is full of surprises

Any student worth his/her salt knows of John Grisham who is most notable for his legal thrillers. Lately, he’s been writing non-legal thrillers and I wasn’t too fond of the first one I laid my hands on (Painted House). Well, I picked up another book of his (Playing For Pizza) and I have to say that he has won me over. πŸ˜€ I laughed so hard that I farted in an unnamed bookstore, to my eternal mortification. lol. If this is the quality of his new work, I will gladly forgive his straying from his bread-and-butter i.e. the legal side of things.

A quick one

Man, Monday was rough. I wasn’t really prepared for lab. and it showed. I need to work out a system before things become too unmanageable. *sigh* All is well here. Much of the pics from my weekend are up on Facebook so head on over and take a look! That’s all.

PS: I’m loving The Office on Hulu. It’s got Steve Carrell! How can you NOT like it? lol. Hulu is now my favorite website now and my favorite game on Windows is Microsoft Tinker by Microsoft partner, Fuel Games. πŸ™‚