What was I thinking?

Well, well. Who says credit card companies don’t know how to look out for number One, themselves. Apparently and according to my SunTrust banking screen, I exceeded the amount of payments I could make in a calendar month. I could have called the number to find out if I could make my payment anyway, but I decided to wait till my next official bill. They make more money if you owe more. Obviously, me paying it down is causing them to not make as much money off me! Crazy! 😀 Anyway, I’m just itching to send another payment towards the card. M & I signed our lease today! Obviously, we aren’t moving in today, but it’s official i.e. they’ve got our application fee, rental deposit, et cetera. We are banking on good will of friends and family to help with our move. In any case, it won’t be a problem to pony up ~$70 for a rental van to use at our disposal which will sting, but won’t kill us. In any case, I’m essentially trying to avoid paying utility bills at LL’s in April, but we may have to stay there for a brief number of days. Arrghh!