Almost a sucker

We finally bit the bullet and decided that we would do our taxes yesterday. Prior to this decision, I had already input all of our tax information into free programs such as H & R Block’s TaxCut program (free for those couples with an AGI of below $54,000 for the 2007 tax year), TaxAct Online, etc. So, without any hanky panky, I knew how much we would be getting. However, M and a co-conspirator decided that we could get way more money. I was happy at that prospect, but I didn’t really believe deep-down that their schemes would work. lol. Well, we went over to a prominent tax preparer’s office and voila! they came up with the same damned figure I came up with. In fact, they shot down many of M & co-conspirator’s  (and I, admittedly) ideas about what we could deduct. Nevertheless, after all was said and done, the nice lady showed up what the bill would be for the privilege of visiting said tax office. It was $164.00!!! Now, to our credit, we’d done much of the leg work for the lady i.e. she was able to pull down our information from the online service that I’d put my blood, sweat and tears into! So, we kindly told her that we would take our chances with our taxes ourselves. I went ahead and "did that joker" in the words of a blogger. It cost us $13.95 and I don’t regret not doing the office route one bit! I mean, last year we spent $244 in tax preparation fees and this year, it was less, but still too much. I’m pretty positive that I did everything right. We got a decent amount back and it will be a big help in getting rid of some debt. In addition, I’m very positive that we will qualify for the much talked about stimulus rebate so here’s to using money wisely. If it were up to me, I’d divvy up the money thusly: 1) ~ 1/2 going to super-secret slush fund (lol) (2) ~ $400 going into both our savings accounts (out of sight is out of mind) (3) rest going off to credit card debt resolution which brings me to my next point: I got my credit limit increased on one of the cards. Not for the purposes of further spending mind you, but to make me "look" good. See, BoA has often cited (in not too many words) that because of my high balance with the other card, they couldn’t reduce my credit card APR. Well, in addition to snowflaking the debt on that credit card, I’ve gotten a credit line increase which reduces my debt-to-credit ratio, provided I (obviously) don’t spend any of that extra money. So, my credit score dove down a little bit, but I expect it to bounce right up once the next reporting season comes around. I can’t wait to clear this debt. I’m so close that I can taste it!

I also found out that the economic stimulus package is in addition to refunds! So whenever that comes it, it’ll be a nice little chunk of change. Lots of changes are happening around this cul-de-sac. Can’t talk too much about them, but I’m excited about the future. I’m hitting publish. Another post will come later.