Putting authors on blast

Matt and I just spent a night at his mom’s. I love going there because there are lots of books for me to read. She (Margie) and her daughter (Maggie) are into reading books just like Matt and I. It was just funny how we were all in the same room with our noses in different books. I just got done reading a book by James Patterson titled “The Quickie” This was the same book I saw at Barnes & Nobles and passed over with good reason (in hindsight). Normally, I love reading books by James Patterson because he writes fast-paced action books. Hell, one of his books made it into a famous Hollywood Blockbuster (Along came a spider). In this book, he seriously disappointed me. I thought it would get better with each chapter, but I only got more disgusted. Here’s the scenario: a female cop spots her husband with a PYT (pretty young thing). She assumes the worst and decides that tit-for-tat is better instead of direct confrontation. She picks a fellow cop to do the honors of dishonoring her marriage bed and becomes witness to said cop’s brutal death … [spoiler alert] Continue reading Putting authors on blast

My experience with the band, Pelican.

Artist/performer: Pelican
Price: $10
Begins: Wed, 01 Aug 2007 at 11:30 PM
Ends: Wed, 01 Aug 2007 at 1:30 PM

Location: 285 W Washington Street, Athens GA 30601

This band (Pelican) simply rocks! First of all, they don’t have a singer/lyricist. They make the music with their instruments consisting of a bass player, a drummer and two other guitar players. As you may or may not know, my husband is Caucasian and I’m Nigerian. We went downtown to a part of the city and to a club where my kind isn’t frequently seen. This place was the 40 Watt club and I’ve actually been there before with Matt (to see The Melvins). As expected, I had to wear earplugs, but I could hear fine although Matt kept mothering me. 🙂 There was about ~25 people in the club by Matt’s estimate and still, in his words, “they played their heart(s) out” Their sound is nothing like I’ve heard before and I’m frankly speaking. If their songs could have lyrics, they’d be almost melancholy. Matt pegs their styles as “emotional, dramatic and heavy.” He took the words right out of my mouth. They’ve got a hectic tour schedule so go listen to them while they’re in the US. Or check out their Myspace page for samples.