Loving Tu Face and music

Today’s a brand new day and I’m excited. I don’t know why. I woke up and I was just happy. That’s awesome and I’m going to carpe diem today. 🙂 Right now, I’ve cranked up the volume and bass levels on my Creative I-Trigue and I’m playing one of my favorite artists (Tu Face). God, I love his latest CD (Grass 2 Grace). Thank you, Donald. That was genius of you. It sounds awesome on the computer especially with the bass turned on. I’ll put up one of my favorites (One Love) for your listening pleasure. If you want to listen to a sample of his entire album, check out this site. Don’t forget to check out his MySpace page. I had an interview (round 2) at a prospective job. It lasted even longer than the first interview I had there primarily because they had me talk to two other lab members. I think I got along very well and actually, one of the members had a spouse working in a different lab where I had interviewed way back in May. Then, I really didn’t expect to get the job because I was just beginning proceedings to legalize myself. So, we had a bunch to talk about. I will find out about the job this week or maybe the next. I don’t know. The pay’s just a nudge about what I got at Emory, but we should be able to put more away because our cost of living is low.